Launch Day & Amnestea Party 26 September 2010

Weald Allotment Site — home to PLOT 22 — held an open shed day this Autumn and invited visitors to come and take a look around.

To mark the launch of the PLOT 22 project we opened our gate and beautiful shed space to hold an Amnestea Party in aid of Amnesty International. We also pressed apple and pear juice on site to delight the tastebuds of our visitors and raise funds for next years seeds. Not to be missed was the opportunity to show case our bog — a brand new compost toilet — made out of recycled pallets!

We had around 100 visitors throughout the day and a live radio interview took place from the greenhouse (our tomato emporium, affectionately known as Gladys) for broadcast on BBC Radio Sussex.

Thanks to all who contributed such delicious and beautiful provender — We raised £100 for Amnesty from donations given for tea and cakes. From the sale of the apple juice, buckets of beautiful sunflowers and a last minute deal on a very large chimney pot, we also raised £100 for PLOT 22!

Thank you for all the encouraging comments and warm wishes written in the visitors book. Do click on the Gallery to see more pictures.