Autumn Picnic 21 October 2010
Residents of Brighton YMCA and participants of the Business Action on Homelessness work placement programme were invited to picnic at PLOT 22. It was an afternoon to experience the place and share creative ideas we can develop together as PLOT 22 evolves.
With a beautifully warm and sunny autumn day the nine of us enjoyed pumpkin soup and sausages cooked round the fire.
New connections were made and offers of gardening help were freely given. Some great ideas were shared including suggestions for planting the growing space so that as much produce as possible is available next year.
Other ideas for the melting pot were bee keeping, willow weaving, hanging baskets, vertical gardening, wild flower areas…
With the first frosts having arrived this week it was time to harvest the last of the courgettes and butternut squashes. Cabbage lovers went home with full arms!