365 Grateful
/This can be a tough time of year. 365 Grateful is a short film created by Hailey. In early 2008, in an effort to fight depression, Hailey started a year long photographic project which involved taking one Polaroid photo a day of something she felt grateful for. Initially this was a chore but eventually it became a delight. The discipline of having to look for the good things that happened every day changed her life. Her marriage, spiritual life and health have improved, and this project has spread and affected the lives of many others… I’ve just come across it on the ‘interweb’ and am sharing it with you here!
15 years ago when I was living in London and working on The City Road I also felt utterly overwhelmed. Life was miserable and harsh, the environment even more harsh and I was confused, unhappy and lost. In desperation I kept myself afloat by forcing myself to note one thing everyday I found beautiful. Each day it was like spinning a thread of gold through a world of grey. I can still remember each thing I’d noticed back then revealing it’s beauty to me, and happily life now has colour again.
Video from KarmaTube