Photograms with Faye Heller Sunday 13th June
Photograms with Faye Heller Sunday 13th June
11am - 1pm Sunday 13th June 2021
This date is now fully booked but get in touch by emailing if you’re interested and we will schedule another date.
Create fascinating photos with camera-less photography. Using light sensitive papers and a make-shift dark room we will create beautiful and unique photograms at PLOT 22.
Even earlier than Man Ray, artists and many scientists have used this process to get closer to their subject matter.
During this 2 hour session you will select plants/objects, work on a composition and then create your own images. You will learn about the chemical* process inside a temporary darkroom and go home with your very own photogram creations.
*The chemicals used will be neutralised for safe disposal.
Faye Heller is our PLOT 22 Artist in Residence for 2021. She studied Fine Art Photography at The Slade School, University College London, and has a teaching PGCE. She has been making artwork for over 25 years and her work was shown at the Tate Modern on a late night for the Everyday Dora Maar exhibition, last year.